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Dr. Andrew Lin, a Taiwanese-American violinist, distinguishes himself as both an accomplished musician and a dedicated educator. Prior to joining the Second Violin Section of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra in 2023, Dr. Lin performed with the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra, the North Carolina Symphony, and the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra. While in Boston, Dr. Lin was featured prominently in the BU Bach Competition Winner Gala, the Beethoven Seminar at the BU Center for Beethoven Research, and the Emmanuel Music Ensemble. In addition to his musical performances, Dr. Lin served as a teaching fellow with the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, playing a crucial role in organizing outreach concerts and educational events aimed at underprivileged schools across the greater Boston area. Furthermore, Dr. Lin held a teaching position at Boston University, where he taught violin lessons, led orchestra sectionals, and coached chamber music.

Dr. Lin participated in prestigious international music festivals such as the Scotia, Green Mountain, Harvard, Rocky Ridge, and Aspen Music Festival. As a chamber musician, he co-founded the Hugo String Quartet and engaged in masterclasses led by internationally acclaimed quartets such as Borromeo, St. Lawrence, and Muir. Notable performances included the Black History Month Mosaic Series Concerts, Crumb’s Black Angels Quartet Concerts for the Time’s Arrow Project, and the Harvard Chamber Music Festival.

Dr. Lin recently completed his Doctoral of Musical Arts degree at BU with honors, awards, and a full scholarship from the Albert Spalding Memorial Fund in recognition of his leadership in the BU community and his comprehensive research on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s performance practices. His principal mentors, including Bayla Keyes, Lina Bahn, Martin Chalifour, Henry Gronnier, and Yuan Chen, have played significant roles in guiding his academic and musical journey.

Beyond his musical pursuits, Dr. Lin finds joy in reading Japanese manga, eating good food, and appreciating the beauty of nature through photography.

       被 Bayla Keyes 譽為 “擁有高超又流暢的技巧、敏銳的耳朵、美麗又清晰的音色、以及優異的舞台魅力的演奏家“,林羿丞目前擁有美國麻州波士頓大學的博士學位、並在紐約州水牛城愛樂擔任二提的首席助理。

    大學畢業於南加州大學桑頓音樂學院(USC Thornton School of Music),師事Lina Bahn, Martin Chalifour, and Henry Gronnier。並曾追隨 Bill Barbini, Doug Minor, 以及陳俞安學習小提琴。2017年,他獲得了南加州大學桑頓音樂學院的學士文憑。就學期間,他獲得校長,大學以及加州政府賦予的全額獎學金,並受邀在Young Musicians Foundation’s Debut Orchestra擔任團員。就學期間屢屢受南加大電影學院(School of Cinemic Arts) 的教授以及作曲家學生們邀請錄製多項電影配樂,並曾在基金會晚宴時與老鷹樂隊 (Eagles) 的格林·佛萊 (Glenn Frey) 共同演奏。

    林羿丞參加過無數的國際音樂節充實琴藝。曾參與Scotia Festival of Music, Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival, Rocky Ridge Music Festival, Interharmony Festival, 並曾榮獲 New Horizon Fellowship 全額獎學金參加 Aspen Music Festival。

     2019年在波士頓大學就讀碩士期間曾受邀演奏於貝多芬權威學者Lewis Lockwood以及眾多來自各國的學士舉辦的一年一度的貝多芬研討會,以及波士頓的Emmanuel Music 舉行的冬季巴哈音樂節,並在音樂節中被邀請與Emmanuel Music Ensemble一同在歷史悠久的 Emmanuel Episcopal Church Of Boston 演出 。不僅如此,在校期間曾受國際知名指揮家,葛萊美獎得主Bramwell Tovey 的信賴,多次擔任學校樂團和歌劇樂團的首席。

   林羿丞不僅活躍於學校事務,為了分享音樂給更多人,校外時間也熱衷於參與不同種類的音樂活動以及公益表演。身為Hugo 弦樂四重奏的創辦人之一,曾受邀表演於Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston University Mosaic Series Black History Month 2020 Concert, Hebrew Senior Life Center, 以及 2020年哈佛大學室內樂音樂節。並接受世界大師,Scott St. John, Rhonda Rider, Bayla Keyes, 以及 Tom Rosenberg 等指點。

    林羿丞目前在波士頓大學博士求學,並獲得了紀念Albert Spalding的全額獎學金。並且擔任小提琴教職(主要教授大學部,研究所非主修音樂系學生,以及波士頓大學非音樂系的交響樂團)。他曾贏得2019年波士頓大學舉辦的巴哈大賽,並屢屢受邀為客座演奏家,與許多傑出的演奏家一起演奏。他曾在New Bedford 交響樂團,波士頓愛樂樂團,雅特蘭提克交響樂團,以及北卡羅蘭納交響樂團擔任團員。他的小提琴與弓是美國加州洛杉磯的Maestro Foundation慷慨借用。林羿丞在休閒時間時喜歡閱讀漫畫,品嚐美食,以及小貓小狗的任何事物。​

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